Using ChatGPT for SEO: the best prompts from marketing professionals

21 marketing professionals share their best ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT took the world by storm when it launched in 2022. With its vast knowledge base, SEOs quickly realized the potential of it to help in SEO tasks such as brainstorming content ideas and keyword analysis.

However, the March 2024 update saw Google de-index some AI-heavy websites. This highlights the importance of using ChatGPT for SEO sensibly and avoiding it to produce low-effort content in bulk.

Here’s the key takeaway: Google’s guidelines don’t penalize AI-generated content per se. But, the focus remains on high-quality, original, and trustworthy content, regardless of the creation method.

We advocate that AI can be used as an assistant for SEO tasks, but not relied on solely. Human expertise is irreplaceable in crafting exceptional, future-proof content that resonates with users. And the role of SEOs remains crucial in creating the right strategy

When using ChatGPT to power up your SEO efforts, it can help with more than purely content creation. With this in mind, we interviewed 21 experts and asked for their best ChatGPT prompts for SEO. Here are their hidden gems.

ChatGPT Prompts for Technical SEO

Bulk creation of internal linking text

Nikola Baldikov, founder of Inbound Blogging says: “One strategy I’ve found incredibly useful for ChatGPT and SEO is bulk-creating anchor text, which not many SEOs talk about. We’ve used AI to generate the best anchor text placements for the internal linking of entire blogs. You can sort through hundreds of articles in no time like this.

First, I fetch all of the blog post URLs, which can be easily copied from an XML sitemap using a link grabber browser extension. Then I use ChatGPT and give it this prompt:

Generate the best anchor text for each of the below articles. Sort it in a table like this: Column A is the anchor text, column B is the link. Article links: (paste them here).

It’ll give you a table that you can export to a spreadsheet. I then review all the results, and if everything seems okay, I export it as a CSV file. Then, I use Link Whisper’s auto-linking feature, where I upload the spreadsheet and let it batch-create internal links for all of my articles. No more manual link insertions! It’s a huge time saver, especially if you manage multiple websites with hundreds of pages”.

Interpret a script’s function

“Have you ever wondered what some of the javascript on your website does?” asks Ben Foster, CEO at The SEO Works UK. “If you are non-technical, asking ChatGPT the question will reveal the answer. Just ask it something like “Can you explain what this script does?” and paste in the script. It will give you a full breakdown”.

Meta description writing

Sergey Galanin, SEO Director at Phonexa suggests a bulk approach to meta description creation with the prompt below: 

Imagine you are an SEO expert with copywriting knowledge; complete this task. I have attached a spreadsheet with the list of pages on [website] that do not have an SEO meta description. Each row contains a page, and I need you to review the URL, heading tags, and Page content to generate a unique, SEO-optimized meta description for each. Include the meta title you generate in column F, which should be less than 61 characters and the meta description in column G beneath the row header. The meta description should be less than 160 characters and enticing enough to capture the reader’s attention and get them to click.

Sergey adds “For best results, I provide context on what every page I need a meta title and description for is about since it cannot crawl the internet. It is used to write meta-summarizations and give more accurate results”.

ChatGPT Prompts for Strategic Research

Understanding keyword intent

Krupali Gohil says that you can get a step closer to understanding what your customers are looking for with the search query they type in with this prompt:

What do you think is the keyword intent for “[insert keyword]”?

Krupali continues “the best use of any AI tool is to ask follow-up questions. This way, you can keep refining the process until you find something that hits the nail on the head”. Here is an example follow-up prompt:

So, do you think a blog would rank better or a landing page for this keyword?

Analyzing search console data

“One of my favorite prompts that helps me better understand my search traffic, and continue creating content that resonates with my readers is to use ChatGPT to analyze top queries in Google Search Console” says Rebekah May from MarketingAid.  

She continues “I do this by first downloading my Query history in Google Search Console (delete other tabs as needed) then navigating to ChatGPT. I upload the file along with this prompt”.

I am uploading a list of search terms people have used to find my content. Next to each search term I would like you to define the search intent, categorizing them as informational, commercial or navigational.

Here are examples: Information is usually posed as question, it may or may not contain words like "why" "how" or "what" but seeks an answer.

Commercial is someone who is clearly looking for something to purchase. This might include "pricing", "reviews" or other related terms that signal an intent to buy.

Navigational is more brand related, people looking for my website or services directly.

Please add the intent next to the keyword in column F.

ChatGPT then outputs a new table including the search intent data that can be downloaded and analyzed.

Competitor keyword analysis

Michael Gidea, co-founder of CMG International Moving advises that one of their best SEO prompts for ChatGPT is: 

Analyze the content of [competitor's website URL] and identify the primary and secondary keywords they are targeting.

Michael says “After identifying these keywords, we further refine our strategy with follow-up prompts to cluster keywords and identify semantic and LSI keywords. Once we have a list of keywords, we ask the AI to cluster them. Then we use these keyword clusters to inform our content strategy”. 

Content gap analysis

Co-founder of Vmedx, Dr. Gregory P. Gasic advises “One fascinating use of AI is in content gap analysis. AI tools can scan hundreds of articles to identify what’s missing in your content compared to competitors. This can be particularly helpful if you’re looking to cover topics comprehensively, and ensure your content is rich and unique”. Some good example prompts here would be:

List five subtopics not covered in my blog that are relevant to readers' questions.

Analyze our current articles on mental health and identify any missing subtopics frequently searched for by users.

Providing context to create a persona

SEO Director Salvatore Surra from has quite an advanced suggestion. “For me, the best results come from context. Not relying solely on the information that is already provided in the LLM, but new context or information that can help steer the bot in the right direction while maintaining a certain tone or brand influence. 

I’ve fed the bot other helpful articles, social posts, data files, and even reviews that would help give it some context or tone. If there are internal files or documents around production information, descriptions, or support, I make sure to include those because it helps to train the conversation to a certain standard and works in values that are helpful to the consumers.

One of my best tips is to use AI to generate a persona. Think of your ideal customer in terms of demographics, locations, etc, and then feed all of that into a bot to create a conversation with your ideal customer. This can be a great resource for content ideation, creation, and inspiration, while also isolating unique perspectives or examples that can make the content unique.

My ideal tip is to use AI to generate a mega prompt to create the ideal persona. Then feed that persona prompt into a new chat while filling in the missing or variable data that it needs to create context about the industry, product, or service, and let it create a persona for you. You can then feed that persona into a new chat or start conversing with the new role inside of the existing chat once prompting to respond with the new context.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Ideation

Rating content quality

SEO Manager Sankit Javiya from MailModo uses ChatGPT to assess the content quality of an article. The prompt she has provided below also suggests improvements and rates content in terms of helpfulness.

Assume the role of an expert in logical reasoning and AI content evaluation. Your task is to critically analyze and rate this Content piece for its logical consistency and overall quality. The content provided is written for topic “[email copywriting examples].” Assess the content for any fallacies or inaccuracies in the logic, as well as the coherence, clarity, and relevance.

Based on your assessment, assign the response a numerical score ranging from 0 (poor quality) to 10 (excellent quality). After that, criticize what's wrong and what can be improved. You don't have to tell what's already good. I'll provide the content for evaluation below.

Making simple edits to content 

Copywriter John Paul Hernandez suggests “One way I am using ChatGPT to improve my content is by asking it to do simple edits. For example, the prompt below gets me one step closer to finalizing a polished piece. Right now, I’m also experimenting with editing by asking the AI to edit ‘in the style of Ernest Hemingway’ and other writers to see how my writing can be fine-tuned.”

You are an editor. Remove filler words and change passive sentences to active sentences.

Suggesting content enhancements

CEO Sahil Kakkar from RankWatch says “One of our most effective AI-driven prompts helps us improve content. This prompt is instrumental because it leverages AI to analyze keyword performance and user engagement metrics, enabling us to pinpoint exactly where and how to refine our content to boost search engine rankings and user interaction”.

Identify underperforming pages and suggest data-driven content enhancements based on current SEO trends.

He continues, “when applied to a client’s digital marketing blog, the AI highlighted several older posts that had declined in traffic. Using our prompt, the AI suggested specific changes, such as updating statistical data, incorporating trending keywords, and enhancing the visual content of the articles. After implementing these suggestions, we saw a 30% increase in organic traffic to those pages within a few months. This AI application maximizes content potential and ensures we consistently adapt”.

Enriching content with other relevant keywords

“A great way to find additional LSI-keywords to enrich existing content is using the below prompt” says Chris Kaiser, CEO of Clickatree.

Act as a seasoned SEO expert with over 20 years experience.

I have written a blog on the topic – ‘ESG strategy & sustainability: 18 real examples of how you can make a huge difference with your company’

I’ve already incorporated the primary keyword – ESG strategy.

Now, suggest a list of 15 LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords to integrate naturally into the content to make it more comprehensive and SEO-rich.

Summarizing transcripts and creating blogs from them

“The best use I’ve found for AI is to summarize transcripts” says writer Ashley Cummings. “I do a lot of interviewing for the SEO articles I write. Interview transcripts can be over 25 pages sometimes. I can ask AI to summarize sections or pull out what the interviewee said about a topic.”

Marketer Julie Nichols takes this approach one step further by creating blog content from a transcript. She says, I love using AI to convert my podcast transcript into a blog post. First, I download the transcript from my YouTube upload. Then I use this prompt”.

Write a long form blog post in the first person voice using this transcript. Aim for [NUMBER] words. The voice should be of a [INDUSTRY] expert advising their client, who is a [PROFESSION]. Here is the entire transcript from the video.

Creating content outlines

“One of the most effective prompts I’ve used with AI for content writing and SEO is asking it to generate a full outline for a specific topic. This has helped ensure our content is well-structured, comprehensive, and covers all the relevant subtopics and keywords” says Irene Graham from Spylix

Create a detailed outline for a 2,000-word blog post on 'The Ultimate Guide to Parental Monitoring Software.' The outline should cover key sections like an introduction to parental monitoring, types of monitoring software, features to look for, pros and cons, top software recommendations, tips for responsible monitoring, and a conclusion.

“In response, the AI provided a well-organized outline with main headers, sub-headers, and bullet points for each section. This is a solid foundation for our writers to expand on, and it ensures that they don’t miss any crucial aspects and that the content flows logically” continues Irene.

“By including relevant keywords and phrases in the prompt, the AI incorporates them naturally throughout the outline, boosting the content’s SEO potential from the outset. This approach has really streamlined our content creation while enhancing the quality and search engine visibility of our articles. Consequently, our writers can focus on adding their expertise, refining the language, and infusing the content with our brand voice, without getting bogged down in the initial research and structuring phases”.

Finding niche and long-tail keywords

Alex Lirette, Founder of OrbitalSEO uses the prompt below to unearth long-tail opportunities:

Identify long-tail keywords from a core topic and create an SEO-optimized article outline addressing user intent.

Alex explains: “The reason I use the AI prompt is straightforward: it allows me to dive deep into niche topics with precision. For example, by turning a general theme like ‘sustainable gardening tips’ into targeted content about ‘organic pest control methods,’ we capture a specific audience looking for these solutions, significantly enhancing both relevance and search rankings.

This method harnesses AI’s ability to process large amounts of data swiftly and accurately, providing insights that inform more effective and tailored content strategies. The result is increased traffic and higher engagement and conversion rates, as the content directly addresses the queries and needs of our audience”.

ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Content

Finally, we come to a section where we received lots of suggestions around using ChatGPT to write content. Our view in this area is to tread with caution and think of ChatGPT as a powerful assistant, but not a replacement.

ChatGPT can be a valuable asset for writers when used with focused prompts. Specific prompts guide the AI towards generating higher-quality content tailored to your needs. However, it’s crucial to remember that AI isn’t flawless. ChatGPT can make mistakes, and can present factually incorrect or out-of-date information — and vigilance is necessary.

Recent algorithm updates have seen websites relying heavily on AI content facing penalties or even being deindexed altogether. Is the time saved worth the potential risk to your website’s ranking and visibility?

Even if Google currently allows AI-generated content, user preferences are shifting. Readers increasingly value expert opinions, real-life examples, and a human touch. Authentic content featuring insights and experiences is irreplaceable by AI. This aligns with Google’s growing interest in understanding content creators as entities and their E-E-A-T guidelines.

With that disclaimer in place, here are the prompts that our panel came up with.

Writing content with a three-step AI prompt process

“One of the approaches that has consistently proved helpful in our content marketing efforts is a three-step prompt process; starting with AI-powered creative brainstorming, then outlining, and finally, generation of full content drafts”, says Alex Ugarte, Operations Manager at London Office Space.

For the brainstorming of topics and titles, we might ask the generative AI:

What are some unique insights or perspectives on the role of flexible workspaces in post-pandemic business operations?

Then, for drafting potential outlines, we could present our chosen topic, and prompt the AI:

Outline a blog post on the benefits of flexible workspaces for startups adapting to post-pandemic operations.

Finally, to create a full draft, we’d proceed with a more comprehensive prompt like:

In a professional though engaging style and not exceeding [NUMBER] words, write a detailed blog post on the advantages of flexible workspaces for startups navigating post-pandemic business conditions, discussing cost-efficiency, scalability, and fostering collaboration.

Alex explains “The three-step process is good because it helps narrow down your content’s direction at each stage, arriving finally at a topic, subheadings, and content that are more targeted than if you just start out prompting the GenAI to draft a full blog post in a direction of its choosing”.

Writing content using pain points

Jon Morgan, CEO of Venture Smarter suggests a different prompt: 

Write a well-researched and informative blog post of at least [number] words targeted towards [target audience] on the topic of [main keyword]. Focus on addressing the following pain points: [list 3-5 common pain points of the target audience related to the keyword].  Ensure the content is SEO-friendly by adding relevant keywords throughout the text, but prioritize readability and providing genuine value to the reader.

“This prompt works for a few reasons,” says John. “First, it gives the AI a clear direction on the target audience and keyword. This helps the AI tool avoid going off on tangents and stay focused on the topic at hand. Second, it emphasizes the importance of well-researched and informative content. Search engines reward content that truly helps users, and this prompt steers the AI in that direction. And, it reminds the AI to prioritize readability. Even the most SEO-optimized content won’t rank well if no one wants to read it!”.

John then advises the human input element is very important: “Of course, the AI-generated content is just the first step. I then take that draft and polish it up, adding my own insights, examples, and unique voice. This combination of AI efficiency and human expertise allows me to create high-quality, SEO-friendly content that gets results”.

Growth Marketer Kartik Ahuja agrees that human intervention is essential to get the best from ChatGPT. “My client in the travel industry experienced a 30% boost in organic traffic from adopting this technique where we incorporated the AI to create outlines and first ideas for content, which we then rewrote in the proper brand voice. This made work faster and made it easy to keep the articles in check as far as their consistency was concerned”.

Writing content in the style of someone

Matt Little, Founder of Festoon House uses a prompt that specifies writing in a certain style. He explains, “I like this prompt because it tells the AI exactly what I’m looking for: a well-researched, engaging piece of content that reads like it was written by a professional. By specifying ‘evidence-based research’, I ensure that the article is supported by credible sources, which is essential for building trust with our audience. Plus, including industry keywords helps with search engine rankings and drives targeted traffic to our website”.

Here’s an example of the prompt in action:

Topic: The benefits of adopting cloud-based solutions for small businesses.

Write a compelling and informative article on the benefits of adopting cloud-based solutions for small businesses in the style of a professional journalist, using evidence-based research and including relevant industry keywords like 'scalability,' 'cost savings,' and 'remote work enablement’.

Writing content by responding to ChatGPT’s questions

Peter Cayetuna, Marketing Manager at Prime Energy Solar also likes to use the style approach with a layered prompt. He explains, “On this occasion, I want the AI to act as a professional writer that works on a publication and I want the AI to provide an outline for a certain topic that would be easily understood by someone who is in high school. The formula that I used contains:

1. Who do I want the AI to portray as

2. What topic do I want the AI to help me with

3. Guidelines about the topic

4. Further instructions before creating and during the process of creating the outline for the topic

Here’s my prompt.” 

You are a professional editor at Forbes. I want you to write an article regarding proper budgeting using the 50/30/20 rule. You have to make sure of the following:

1. Compelling title - Give at least 3 variations

2. No Grammar Issues

3. Allow parts of the outline to have input from me 

4. Highschool-friendly article

Before you write, I want you to ask the necessary questions to ensure that it ensures the who, what, when, where, and how inside the article. Only ask questions that are appropriate to the topic.

ChatGPT responds to this prompt by then asking questions:

From here, the user can just answer the questions and then inform the AI to proceed with the outline with any other parts for user input. 

Peter concludes “It is easy nowadays to create a draft article with AI, but Google wants something that is genuine. Thus, it is really important to have a mindset to use AI just to assist — not to write — so that we, as a content writer, can then create articles that are worth reading”.

Our conclusion on ChatGPT for SEO

Hopefully, these ChatGPT SEO prompts will have given you some inspiration to take forward in your work. But it’s important to remember that while AI tools like ChatGPT can streamline tasks in SEO campaigns, search engines — and more importantly users — are becoming adept at spotting AI-generated content that lacks the human touch.

What’s the key to success? Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) are really important. Google rewards content that offers unique value, not just recycled information.

AI can’t replicate the insights from an industry expert, a unique voice, compelling data, or fresh perspectives that truly engage audiences. This is why you should always use ChatGPT for SEO as part of a human-led workflow.

Ready to Navigate the Future of SEO?

We will help you use AI strategically, using it to boost efficiency without sacrificing quality. Our focus is on crafting unique, human-made content informed by expert voices and fresh ideas. 

Contact us for a transparent discussion on our SEO services, and how we can help you achieve your SEO goals through a blend of innovative tools and proven human expertise.